I've been surfing through the internet and have failed to find the answers I'm looking for. I am new to python and asking questions here, but anyways, I am running windows 10, and my script uses tkinter as the GUI module. Whenever I run the script through the command prompt (or IDE) I get this: Image via IDE
Whenever I run pyinstaller executable, I get this: pyinstaller executable
As you can see, the executable changes some of the geometry of the widgets and makes the image blurry. How do I fix this on my computer, and how do I account for this across various windows supported hardware?
It turns out that the issue is with windows and can be corrected by right clicking on the executable in the file window and following these steps: https://www.ghacks.net/2020/09/14/how-to-fix-blurry-text-in-programs-on-windows-10/