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I want to fetch a file from my code folder to my js file automatically when the page loads

I want to fetch a file from my code folder to my js file automatically when the page loads so I can use in an audio visualizer. I don't have to fetch it from the users computer!

How do I do it? I was trying to do it using fetch but I can only fetch from URLs now. I want to use the file like this

    document.getElementById('file').addEventListener('change', function(e){
      var _this = this;
    this.fileReader.onload = function(){
      _this.audioContext.decodeAudioData(_this.fileReader.result, function(buffer){
        if(_this.source) {
        _this.source = _this.audioContext.createBufferSource();
        _this.source.buffer = buffer;
        _this.source.loop = true;


        _this.gainNode = _this.audioContext.createGain();

        _this.frequencyArray = _this.webgl.sphereG.attributes.aFrequency.array;
        _this.indexPosArray = _this.webgl.indexPosArray;
        _this.indexPosLength = _this.webgl.indexPosArray.length;
        _this.isReady = true;

but instead of getting the user to choose a file from his/her computer I want to fetch a file from my the folder where this code lies automatically.


  • No need for an <input type="file"/> then.

    You might have success with

    // if the HTML that's executing the current JavaScript is at 
    // and audiofile.ext
    // is in the same location as index.html (i.e. also inside foo),
    // this would work:
       .then(res => res.blob())
       .then(blob => {
          // do stuff with the blob

    See the fetch docs on MDN.