new to Python and stuck with a pie chart. Apologies for the complexity but I am at a lost as how to proceed .. I have this dataset in the form of a dictionary (part of it)
{'Deaths5': 94, 'Deaths10': 379, 'Deaths12': 388, 'Deaths8': 138, 'Deaths25': None,
'IM_Deaths2': None, 'Deaths14': 511, 'Deaths1': 20535, 'Deaths23': 2643, 'Deaths6': 62,
'IM_Deaths1': 4349, 'Deaths17': 1036, 'Deaths18': 1234, 'Sex': '2', 'Deaths11': 358, 'Deaths22': 1708,
'Deaths21': 1922, 'IM_Frmat': '08', 'SubDiv': '', 'Deaths15': 600, 'Deaths4': 157, 'Admin1': '',
'IM_Deaths3': None, 'Deaths19': 1125, 'Deaths24': None, 'Frmat': '01', 'Deaths20': 1602, 'Deaths3': 350,
'Year': '1964', 'Deaths7': 149, 'Deaths9': 311, 'Deaths26': 33, 'Country': '2150',
'Deaths16': 932, 'Deaths13': 454, 'Deaths2': 4349, 'IM_Deaths4': None, 'Cause': 'A000', 'List': '07A' .......
I need to generate a pie chart that shows the latest year - 2013, and shows the top 8 causes of death code 'Cause' from field 'Deaths1'
So to sum it up:
So for example the data should be filtered as
Year CAUSE Top8
2013 A000 5000
2013 A411 400
2013 A50 200
and then shown as a pie chart with anything after the top 8 treated as 'other'
I could do this very easily with SQL but with Python...I am not sure.
You can try Seaborn's
Pie Plot. Let's see an example of how pie plot was used to visualize the famous Iris flower data.
All you have to do is to import the library and play around with it:
import seaborn as sns
For starters, here's the dataset's top 5 rows retrieved by the head()
Now, I wanted to plot the classes as pie chart
dataset['Class'].value_counts().plot.pie(explode=[0.05, 0.05,0.05], autopct='%1.1f%%', shadow=True, figsize=(8,8))
plt.title('Pie Chart for Class')
And voila!