So far I always used "puts" to add custom logging infos to my code. But now it is kind of a pain. When I run rspec for exemple I'm not interested in all the verbose that I added with puts. So I installed the "logging and logging-rails gem" because its installation is real fast and satisfying.
It works well when I call logger from models and controller, but not when I'm using logger inside libraries. I get that error : NameError - undefined local variable or method `logger' for CustomLib:Class.
The easiest thing I succeeded is to call 'Rails.logger' instead of just 'logger'. But in that way in my logfile, the class referring to that line will be 'Rails' but I want 'CustomLib'. For models and controller the right classname is displayed without any intervention from myself.
# config/environnement/test.rb
# Set the logging destination(s)
config.log_to = %w[stdout]
config.log_level = :info
# Show the logging configuration on STDOUT
config.show_log_configuration = false
# lib/custom_lib.rb
class CustomLib
def initialize 'foo'
When I will use or test my customlib class I'll get : [2019-06-21T16:26:41] INFO Rails : foo
Instead I would like to see : [2019-06-21T16:26:41] INFO CustomLib : foo
I'm a bit lost in all that log management in rails, I have no idea what to try next to reach that goal...
When I put a byebug just before the " 'foo' " line and enter into it via 'step', I got two different results if whether I'm in a model/controller or a custom lib.
# In custom lib, step enters this file "gems/logging-2.2.2/lib/logging/logger.rb"
# And Rails.logger returns an object like this one beloow
# In model/controller, step enters this file "gems/logging-rails-0.6.0/lib/logging/rails/mixin.rb"
# And Rails.logger returns an object like this one beloow
At the end I found a better way, I just need to include Logging.globally on top of the module where I want that behavior:
# lib/custom_lib.rb
class CustomLib
include Logging.globally
def initialize 'foo'