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CocoaLumberjack.h file not found?

Actually my project does compile for an iPhone 6s but not for any iOS simulators. When I want to build for a simulator I get two build time errors.

'CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h' file not found


failed to emit precompiled header 
for bridging header 

What have I tried yet?

  • pod deintegrate, clear Build, delete "DerivedData", pod install and pod update
  • open Project.xcworkspace instead of Project.xcodeproj
  • keep target iOS version in podfile and deployment target the same (iOS 12)
  • check "Framework Search Paths" at targets build settings 1
  • check "Header Search paths" 2

I am not 100% sure if the paths are correct. And I am wondering that Xcode can't find Cocoalumberjack.h, because I can find it under /Pods/CocoaLumberjack/Sources/CocoaLumberjack/Supporting Files/CocoaLumberjack.h.

Are these paths probably incorrect?
What else could be the problem?

I am happy for every serious answer!

(1) Framework Search Paths
Framework Search Paths

(2) Header Search paths
Header Search paths


  • Xcode couldn't build the project for an iOS simulator because there was no valid CPU architecture set for the simulator (respectively for the Mac).

    Under Project > Targets > User-Defined > VALID_ARCHS there were just armv7, armv7s and arm64 architectures set.

    I added x86_64 architecture to the VALID_ARCHS and it works fine now.