I have a bad habit of putting spaces in my folder/file names. Today it bites me.
I have a folder called NFB Lab
in which I installed NFB Lab. I wanted to add the shortcut/command nfb and pynfb to the ~/.zshrc
file to start the main python script from anywhere.
I edited the ~/.zshrc
file through nano with:
alias nfb=/Users/mathieu/Documents/NFB\ Lab/pynfb/main.py
alias pynfb=/Users/mathieu/Documents/NFB\ Lab/pynfb/main.py
I also tried:
alias nfb="/Users/mathieu/Documents/NFB Lab/pynfb/main.py"
alias pynfb="/Users/mathieu/Documents/NFB Lab/pynfb/main.py"
Neither works, I always get:
zsh: no such file or directory: /Users/mathieu/Documents/NFB
How can I solve this without uninstall/reintsall of NFB Lab?
You'll need to escape the space (\
), for example, take a look at my sublimetext3 alias;
alias sub='/Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl'
Otherwise, take a look at ZSH functions. There are many more options compared to aliasses;
For example, run python script with arg as path, then create an alias calling that function
function runpy() {
python3 "$@"
alias runx="runpy '/tmp/dir with space/py.py'"
alias runy="runpy '/tmp/dir with space/py_second.py'"