I have a login form that looks like this (1):
when I add form validation it looks like this (2):
the spcaes between the textInputs are because I have something like this:
<View style={styles.SectionStyle}>
onBlur={() => checkEmailRGX()}
<View style={styles.ErrorStyle}><Text style={{color: 'red', fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{emailError}</Text></View>
when the inputs are incorrect (3):
I want to keep the form the same as (1), when fields are not correctly filled in then it goes to (3), and when any of the fields are filled in correctly, the error text should be gone, plus the area the stay at and when you start the form there is a gap between the elements of the form and it looks like (2),
this is my error text field:
var emailErrorField = '';
and this is the validation:
const checkEmailRGX = () => {
let rjx=/^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/;
let isValid = rjx.test(email);
if(email == ''){
emailErrorField = t('eptyfield');
else if(!isValid){
emailErrorField = t('emailfield');
emailErrorField = "";
How can I remove the white spaces but keep the error message?
Conditionally render the error like below
emailErrorField && <View style={styles.ErrorStyle}><Text style={{color: 'red', fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{emailError}</Text></View>
Then it would be shown only if emailError has value