This is how I currently send data to an external TCP server
byte[] data = new byte[0] /* the data to send */;
TcpClient client = new TcpClient("", 3000); // connect to the tcp server
NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream();
await stream.WriteAsync(data, 0, data.Length);
data = new byte[256]; // set the buffer size
int responseBytes = await stream.ReadAsync(data, 0, data.Length); // store the response to the buffer
string responseData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, responseBytes);
For the response I have to setup the buffer size here new byte[256]
. But what if the response is greater than this size? I can't determine the correct size because I'm just connecting to his external server, send a message to it and expect a response. Is there a way I can make this dynamic?
As a sidenote: I'm sending various HL7 messages to clinic servers and they will send back HL7 ACK messages as a response. This gives some information about HL7 ACK messages
An example ACK could be
MSH|^~&|CATH|StJohn|AcmeHIS|StJohn|20061019172719||ACK^O01|MSGID12349876|P|2.3 MSA|AA|MSGID12349876
For the response I have to setup the buffer size here new byte[256]. But what if the response is greater than this size?
Then you call stream.ReadAsync()
and append your buffer (or the decoded string) to a larger buffer until you know you have received the entire message, which you need to do anyway: the Write() from one end of the socket does not need to correspond to one Read() on the other end. Multiple writes can be read in a single read, or the other way around.
So something like this:
data = new byte[256]; // set the buffer size
var builder = new StringBuilder();
int responseBytes = await stream.ReadAsync(data, 0, data.Length); // store the response to the buffer
string responseData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, responseBytes);
} while (responseBytes > 0)
Do note that this happens to work with ASCII, as it doesn't have multibyte characters. Were it UTF-8 or a similar encoding, the 256th byte could be the start of a character which continues into the next read, i.e. byte 1 (and perhaps 2) of the next read.
This code also assumes you want to keep reading until the connection is closed (then responseBytes = 0
). If this protocol has a length prefix or message terminator, you have to handle those.
Usually you don't want to implement this low-level stuff yourself, aren't there libraries available that handle the HL7 protocol?