We have multiple tables like :
Entity are as follows
public class School {
private String name;
private long id;
private List<teacher> teachers;
public School() {
public class teachers {
private String name;
private Long id;
private List<Subject> subjects;
private List<Classes> classes;
public class Subject {
private String name;
private long id;
public Subject() {
public class Classes{
private String name;
private long id;
public Classes() {
we have written the jooq query for the required fields. For a single school data, we were getting multiple rows instead of one that was expected. However, We were unable to map the data.
We tried :
ModelMapper( Unable to find a way to covert multiple basically horizontal(table) records to vertical)
intoGroups() worked only till single join(bw two tables)
simpleflatmapper same issue
Is there any way we can achieve it. Are we missing something?
PS: In response, We don't require all the columns(variable) from all the tables.
That's a tricky question for a school assignment, given that this has been, historically, one of jOOQ's most missing features :)
In addition to the below SQL/XML or SQL/JSON based solution, jOOQ 3.15 now supports the standard SQL MULTISET
value constructor operator as well as a synthetic MULTISET_AGG
aggregate function, which can be used like this:
List<School> schools =
).as("subjects").convertFrom(r -> r.map(Records.mapping(Subject::new))),
).as("classes").convertFrom(r -> r.map(Records.mapping(Classes::new)))
).as("teachers").convertFrom(r -> r.map(Records.mapping(Teachers::new)))
The above approach using the various Records.mapping()
overloads along with ad-hoc data type conversion assumes the presence of an immutable constructor, such as you'd get if your classes were Java 16 records:
record Subject (String name, long id) {}
Starting from jOOQ 3.14 and the new SQL/XML and SQL/JSON support, this will be possible relatively easily. In essence, you will be using your RDBMS's native XML or JSON support to nest collections directly in SQL. (All other approaches using joins and trying to deduplicate and shoe-horn flat result sets into nested data structures will not work well enough, as you've noticed)
You can write a query like this (assuming you use the code generator, and assuming you're interested in a tree structure with the School
at the top):
List<School> schools =
jsonEntry("name", SCHOOL.NAME),
jsonEntry("id", SCHOOL.ID),
jsonEntry("teachers", jsonArrayAgg(jsonObject(
jsonEntry("name", TEACHER.NAME),
jsonEntry("id", TEACHER.ID),
jsonEntry("subjects", field(
select(jsonArrayAgg(jsonObject(SUBJECT.NAME, SUBJECT.ID)))
jsonEntry("classes", field(
select(jsonArrayAgg(jsonObject(CLASS.NAME, CLASS.ID)))
This solution is based on assumptions of your schema, namely that there is a to-one relationship between both SUBJECT -> TEACHER
Also, you can see I've still used a join to group TEACHER
, aggregating the teachers using JSON_ARRAYAGG()
. That's one option, another correlated subquery as for the SUBJECT
queries would have been possible as well.
A simpler solution might be possible using SQL Server's FOR JSON
clause, which can be emulated in other dialects.