Forgive my noobiness in advance, I'm new to the industry and really interested in cloud computing, but unfamiliar with a lot of the ecosystem surrounding it.
For example, let's say I want to launch 4 Linux VMs of a certain size with certain configurations in each of 4 regions. With the limited beginner-level experience I have now, my approach would be to hand-deploy each of the 16 resultant Linux VMs.
However, I feel like there's got to be a way to automate this. How can I write a script that will let me pre-define a set or list of VMs with unique configurations and then deploy them all at once? Is it possible to then run the same bash script on-launch for each of them?
There are dozen of ways of doing this:
Just pick whatever you are comfortable with and start working in that direction
In terms of ease of use: I'd rate api calls and SDK's as the least comfortable to use. Others - are a matter of experience\preference
In terms of usefulness outside of Azure: probably powershell and terraform would be the most useful (and ansible)