I need to send data from 1 ecs container to another. How can I do that? There is AWS EventBridge that allows me to send data from ECS container to EventBridge. But I could not figure out how to send this data to the other ECS container from EventBridge.
P.S. I have node applications running in ECS containers. I am using HTTP API Gateway and Application Load Balancer (ALB)
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I need to send data from 1 ecs container to another. How can I do that?
Usually, when you want your microservices to communicate with each other, an SQS is a preferred choice. The use of the SQS allows you to fully de-couple the producer and the consumer of the messages.
In your case, one container would publish messages to the queue, while the second container would pull for the messages on a fixed schedule. For these to work, both containers would need to have permissions in their task executions role to access the SQS and use AWS SDK to publish and receive the message.
There are other choices as well, such as SNS and EventBridge as you noted. However, due to its simplicity, SQS is often the first choice to consider.