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Windows API Mousehook , Capture rightmousebutton + Ctrl (WM_RBUTTONDOWN + MK_CONTROL) clicked togather

initially i was able to print something when i pressed only right mouse button using if (wParam == WM_RBUTTONDOWN)but now , i want the same effect, i want to print something when right mouse button + Ctrl key is pressed. how can i acheive that ?

i have tried this

LRESULT CALLBACK MainWindow::mouseProc(int Code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        auto& ms = *(const MSLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam;
        MSLLHOOKSTRUCT* pMouseStruct = (MSLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam;
        if (pMouseStruct != nullptr)
            if (wParam == WM_RBUTTONDOWN & MK_CONTROL)  // Here, i added MK_CONTROL but it doesn't work
                qDebug() << "Print something when Right mouse button and Ctrl button is pressed togather"; 
    return CallNextHookEx(NULL, Code, wParam, lParam);


when i want to try the case where only Ctrl is pressed and it should print something, it still doesn't work

LRESULT CALLBACK MainWindow::mouseProc(int Code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        auto& ms = *(const MSLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam;
        MSLLHOOKSTRUCT* pMouseStruct = (MSLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam;
        if (pMouseStruct != nullptr)
            if (wParam == MK_CONTROL)  // Here, i added only MK_CONTROL but it doesn't work
                qDebug() << "Print something when  Ctrl button is pressed ";
    return CallNextHookEx(NULL, Code, wParam, lParam);

what am i missing here ?


  • First of all, if you want to capture the right button + ctrl, you can check the state of the Ctrl key (whether it is pressed) when WM_RBUTTONDOWN is detected.

    LRESULT CALLBACK mouseProc(int Code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        auto& ms = *(const MSLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam;
        MSLLHOOKSTRUCT* pMouseStruct = (MSLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam;
        if (pMouseStruct != nullptr)
            if (wParam == WM_RBUTTONDOWN && (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LCONTROL)&0x8000))  //Left CONTROL key as example
                std::cout << "ctrl + rbutton";
        return CallNextHookEx(NULL, Code, wParam, lParam);

    If you want to use a keyboard hook to hook only "Ctrl":

    LRESULT CALLBACK keyboardProc(int Code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT* pKeyboardStruct = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam;
        if (pKeyboardStruct != nullptr)
            if (pKeyboardStruct->vkCode == VK_LCONTROL)  
                if(wParam == WM_KEYDOWN)
                    std::cout << "  -ctrl-  ";
        return CallNextHookEx(NULL, Code, wParam, lParam);
    void main(void)
        HHOOK hmouse = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, mouseProc, hInstance, 0);
        HHOOK hkeyboard = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, keyboardProc, hInstance, 0);
        MSG msg;
        while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0))