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How to use a variable to name a Powerpoint slide using VBA rather than a literal string

I am trying to create a new slide and name it at the same time using VBA. I have a main menu page that contains shapes with text labels in them. I've set the action for each shape to run the following macro: It is intended to create a new slide and name it the same as the category name that is shown in text on the button the user clicked.

Sub ChangeSlideName(objCurrentShape As Shape) ' Place the clicked on shape in a variable.

    Dim objTextInBox As String
    Dim objCurrentSlideNum As Integer
' Place current slide number into a variable.
    objCurrentSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition
' Set value of string variable to the text in the shape clicked on.
    objTextInBox = ActivePresentation.Slides(objCurrentSlideNum).Shapes(objCurrentShape.Name).TextFrame.TextRange.Text
' Create a new slide at the end of the presentation.
    Set pptNewSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
' Make the new slide the active slide.
' Set the name of the new slide to the text contained on the button clicked.
    ActiveWindow.View.Slide.Name = objTextInBox
End Sub

My code runs and takes me to the newly created slide; however, I don't know how to tell if it actually named the new slide. Because I'm using a variable to name the slide, I suspect it isn't working. When I run another macro from a different slide, it will not jump me to the slide I renamed. I also use a variable to identify the name of the slide I am trying to jump to. I've tried all 4 of the following commands one at a time.

' Take user to the page of the category clicked on.
    SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide GetSlideIndex(objTextInBox)
    ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide (objTextInBox)
    SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide GetSlideIndex(objTextInBox), 1

Am I missing something in my code like parenthesis or quotation marks or something? Can I not use a variable in place of a literal string like "New Slide Name"? Also, can someone tell me how to verify the name of a slide?


  • These work for Powerpoint-2010. I haven't tried it in other version. When a user clicks on a shape (in my case it's a rectangle with text inside that shows a category name) this code will create a new slide and name it whatever category name was in the shape clicked on.

    Sub ChangeSlideName(objClickedShape As Shape) ' Place the clicked on shape in a variable.
        Dim objText As String
        Dim objSlideNum As Integer
        Dim pptNewSlide
    ' Place current slide number into a variable.
        objSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition
    ' Set value of string variable to the text in the shape clicked on.
        objText = ActivePresentation.Slides(objSlideNum).Shapes(objClickedShape.Name).TextFrame.TextRange.Text
    ' Create a new slide at the end of the presentation.
        Set pptNewSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
    ' Make the new slide the active slide.
    ' Change slide # variable to the number of the newly created slide.
        objSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition
    ' Set the name of the new slide to the text contained on the button clicked.
        ActivePresentation.Slides(objSlideNum).Name = objText
    End Sub

    This is the command that will jump to the newly created slide using the variable:

        Dim osld As Slide
        Set osld = ActivePresentation.Slides(objTextInBox)
        SlideShowWindows(1).View.GotoSlide (osld.SlideIndex)

    This allows me to use one macro to jump between slides by using the slide names as the text written in the shapes in the presentation.