I'm using Apps Script to generate a document including responses from a Google form and store this in a new folder. I also enable the user submitting the form editor access based on the email they provide.
This seems to work for Google domains or company domains using g-suite.
When the email is not Google based however, the script breaks.
'Invalid email: email@example.com'
Looking for a means of skipping past this error and having the script complete.
function autoFillGoogleDocFromForm(e) {
var Timestamp = e.values[0];
var email = e.values[1];
var file = DriveApp.getFileById('FILEID');
var folder = createfolder();
var copy = file.makeCopy(Name + ' - Document', folder);
var newId = copy.getId();
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(newId).addEditor(email);
var body = doc.getBody();
body.replaceText('{{Timestamp}}', Timestamp);
body.replaceText('{{Email}}', Email);
Looking for a means of skipping past this error and having the script complete.
If you are looking for a solution to skip the error, then you can always use try...catch:
function autoFillGoogleDocFromForm(e) {
var Timestamp = e.values[0];
var email = e.values[1];
var file = DriveApp.getFileById('FILEID');
var folder = createfolder();
var copy = file.makeCopy(Name + ' - Document', folder);
var newId = copy.getId();
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(newId).addEditor(email);
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(newId);
var body = doc.getBody();
body.replaceText('{{Timestamp}}', Timestamp);
body.replaceText('{{Email}}', Email);
This snippet will try
to execute var doc = DocumentApp.openById(newId).addEditor(email);
If the latter fails, then it will just open the document var doc = DocumentApp.openById(newId);
and continue with the rest of the code.