This a reproducible example of my data
temp<-rnorm(650,mean = 22),
pet<-rnorm(650,mean = 79),
bal<-rnorm(650,mean = 225))
dat<-ts(dat,start = c(1965,1),frequency = 12)
dat2 <- cbind(dat, fitted(fit1), fitted(fit2), fitted(fit3), fitted(fit4))
plot.zoo(window(dat2, start = 1965), xlab = "", screen = 1:4,
col = c(1:4, 1, 2, 3, 4),yax.flip = TRUE, bty="n")
How can I modify the color and the scale of the y axes in each plot to match the same color of the time series?
Create dat2
which contains both the series and the smooth splines, use window
to start it at 1965, specify in screen=
that the the columns be in panels 1:4 (it will recycle for the last 4 columns) and specify that the last 4 columns be black, i.e. 1, or modify colors to suit.
dat2 <- cbind(dat, fitted(fit1), fitted(fit2), fitted(fit3), fitted(fit4))
plot.zoo(window(dat2, start = 1965), xlab = "", screen = 1:4,
col = c(1:4, 1, 1, 1, 1))
Regarding the comment, to me it seems easier to read if the ticks, labels and axes are black but if you want to do that anyways use the mfrow=
graphical parameter with a for
loop and specify col.axis
and col.lab
in the plot.zoo
nc <- ncol(dat)
cols <- 1:nc # specify desired colors
opar <- par(mfrow = c(nc, 1), oma = c(6, 0, 5, 0), mar = c(0, 5.1, 0, 2.1))
for(i in 1:nc) {
dat1965 <- window(dat[, i], start = 1965)
plot(as.zoo(dat1965), col = cols[i], ylab = colnames(dat)[i], col.axis = cols[i],
col.lab = cols[i])
fit <- smooth.spline(time(dat1965), dat1965, df = 25)
lines(cbind(dat1965, fitted(fit))[, 2]) # coerce fitted() to ts
mtext("4 plots", line = -2, font = 2, outer = TRUE)