I want to be able to add multiple entries to my Windows Credentials Vault using PowerShell.
I searched a bit and came across this code:
$vault = New-Object Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault
$cred = New-Object windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordCredential
$cred.Resource = 'My Credentials'
$cred.UserName = 'MyDomain\MyUserName'
$cred.Password = 'MyPassword'
Remove-Variable cred # So that we don't have the password lingering in memory!
The problem is that the new entry is stored in the Web Credential Vault and not in the Windows Credentials Vault. I must be missing something. How can I fix it?
PS: I know there are better ways to store the password, but that not what's important here. Let’s just focus on the vault please. :)
Continuing from my comment, look at these tools:
Find-Module -name '*credential*' | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Results
Version Name Repository Description
------- ---- ---------- -----------
2.0 CredentialManager PSGallery Provides access to credentials in the Windows Credential Manager
1.1.0 CredentialSpec PSGallery Tools to create and find Credential Spec files used to run Windows Server Containers with Active Directory ide...
1.1 VPNCredentialsHelper PSGallery A simple module to set the username and password for a VPN connection through PowerShell. Huge thanks to Jeff ...
1.0.4 WindowsCredential PSGallery Management module for Windows Credential Store.
3.6.30 CredentialRetriever PSGallery Retrieve Credentials from CyberArk Central Credential Provider Web Service, or Local Credential Provider using...
1.1.0 PSCredentialTools PSGallery PSCredentialTools provides various methods for securely storing and retrieving credentials used in PowerShell ... SelectCredential PSGallery A module for selecting the credential stored in variables
1.1 CredentialsManager PSGallery The module Credentials Manager provides you with convenient and safe way to store your credentials to file sys...
1.0 NubusTech.CredentialStore PSGallery CredentialStore saves powershell credentials securely to file
1.3 MiCredentialModule PSGallery Saves/Retrieves credentials to/from a file (with encrypted password) so you can automate tasks that need diffe...
1.0.5 AxCredentialVault PSGallery Grants fast, secure access to credential objects in Azure
1.3 vaultcredential PSGallery Manages credentials in the credential vault
0.0.1 SecureCredentials PSGallery This module allow to secure store encrypted credentials for running powershell daemon
1.0.11 pscredentialmanager PSGallery This module allows management and automation of Windows cached credentials.
4.5 BetterCredentials PSGallery A (compatible) major upgrade for Get-Credential, including support for storing credentials in Windows Credenti...
2.1.0 PSJsonCredential PSGallery A set of commands for exporting and importing PSCredentials to a json file.
1.0.3 CredentialManagement PSGallery Manage Credentials stored in the Windows Credential Manager
1.0.0 CredentialLocker PSGallery CredentialLocker is a module that provides commandlets to manage credentials in the password vault....
3.0 CredentialUtility PSGallery This is a credential manager tool which comes with handy PowerShell cmdlets { Get-Password; Save-Password; Sho... SimplyCredential PSGallery Simply Module for windows credentials.
1.1.7 CredentialStore PSGallery CredentialStore saves powershell credentials securely to file
1.1 PS.CredentialManager PSGallery A credential manager module for PowerShell. Securely stores and retrieves credentials using the Windows Data P... IntelliTect.CredentialManager PSGallery Provides an easy-to-use interface to the Windows Credential Manager via PowerShell. StoredPSCredential PSGallery Stores serialized PSCredential objects in HKCU and retrieves them. Encryption can only be reversed by the same...
1.0.2 Get-AwsTemporaryCredential PSGallery Retrieves AWS Credentials from a stored profile and uses these to obtain temporary credentials for the specifi...
1.0.548 PSCredentialStore PSGallery A simple credential manager to store and reuse multiple credential objects. BAMCIS.CredentialManager PSGallery Provides a PowerShell wrapper around the Windows Credential Manager Win32 APIs.
0.1.1 SCOrchDev-StoredCredential PSGallery A module retrieving PSCredential from credential manager. Forked from https://gist.github.com/toburger/2947424...
1.0.1 MrACredential PSGallery A module to manage creating, saving, and importing credentials using encryption keys.
1.1.7 CredentialStore.AzureKeyVault PSGallery Import and Export functionality to sync CredentialStore with Azure KeyVault
1.1 New-Credential PSGallery Simply creates an object (System.Management.Automation.PSCredential) that can be used with the parameter "-Cre...
1.0.7 TUN.Credentials PSGallery Provides easy to use methods to manage and use credentials. Documentation of module at https://github.com/echa...
2.1 SecuredCredential PSGallery SecuredCredential Routines for modules supported. This module is published in my new book 'Cloud Integration C...
Install-Module -Name CredentialManager
Import-Module -name CredentialManager
(Get-Module -Name CredentialManager).ExportedCommands
# Results
Key Value
--- -----
Get-StoredCredential Get-StoredCredential
Get-StrongPassword Get-StrongPassword
New-StoredCredential New-StoredCredential
Remove-StoredCredential Remove-StoredCredential
# Get specifics for a module, cmdlet, or function
(Get-Command -Name New-StoredCredential ).Parameters
(Get-Command -Name New-StoredCredential ).Parameters.Keys
Get-help -Name New-StoredCredential -Examples
Get-help -Name New-StoredCredential -Full
Get-help -Name New-StoredCredential -Online
# Find all cmdlets / functions with a target parameter
Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet |
Where-Object {
Try {$PSItem.parameters.keys -match 'credential'}
Out-GridView -PassThru -Title '
Available cmdlets which has a specific parameter'
Get-Command -CommandType Function |
Where-Object {
Try {$PSItem.parameters.keys -match 'credential'}
Out-GridView -PassThru -Title '
Available functions which has a specific parameter'
# Get property enums/options for a specifc cmdlet/function
(Get-Service | Select-Object -First 1).Status.GetType()
Also, look at this: Secrets Management Development Release
What is Secrets Management?
The Secrets Management module helps users manage secrets by providing a set of cmdlets that let you store secrets locally, using a local vault provider, and access secrets from remote vaults. This module supports an extensible model where local and remote vaults can be registered and unregistered on the local machine, per user, for use in accessing and retrieving secrets. The module leverages existing secrets vaults, for example it uses Credential Manager (Cred Man), to provide the default local vault experience on Windows. This module focuses on retrieving/using secrets from existing vaults, leaving the advanced secret/vault management to the existing vaults. While this module will eventually be cross-platform this alpha version of the module currently works only on Windows platforms. For a more detailed explanation of the goals of Secrets Management watch this session from Ignite 2019.
Or just old school:
cmdkey /?
Creates, displays, and deletes stored user names and passwords.
The syntax of this command is:
CMDKEY [{/add | /generic}:targetname {/smartcard | /user:username {/pass{:password}}} | /delete{:targetname | /ras} | /list{:targetname}]
To list available credentials:
cmdkey /list
cmdkey /list:targetname
To create domain credentials:
cmdkey /add:targetname /user:username /pass:password
cmdkey /add:targetname /user:username /pass
cmdkey /add:targetname /user:username
cmdkey /add:targetname /smartcard
To create generic credentials:
The /add switch may be replaced by /generic to create generic credentials
To delete existing credentials:
cmdkey /delete:targetname
To delete RAS credentials:
cmdkey /delete /ras
cmdkey /list
Currently stored credentials:
Target: MicrosoftAccount:target=SSO_POP_Device
Type: Generic
User: ...
Saved for this logon only
Target: WindowsLive:target=virtualapp/didlogical
Type: Generic
User: ...
Local machine persistence
cmdkey /add:$env:COMPUTERNAME /user:postanote /pass:SomeSuperSecretPassword1
CMDKEY: Credential added successfully.
cmdkey /list
Currently stored credentials:
Target: MicrosoftAccount:target=SSO_POP_Device
Type: Generic
User: ...
Saved for this logon only
Target: WindowsLive:target=virtualapp/didlogical
Type: Generic
User: ...
Local machine persistence
Target: Domain:target=104DB2FE-76B8-4
Type: Domain Password
User: postanote