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How to ignore a column update if not exist using knex?

I'm trying to update a table using this syntax

.where("id", "=", userId)
  [payment]: userPayment,
  exampleColumn: userInput,
.then((_result) => {console.log(_result);})
.catch(err => console.error(err))

now exampleColumn may exist in some tables or not so i'm in a situation that i want to make this dynamic as possible

is there a syntax equal to this

  [payment]: userPayment,
  exampleColumn?: userInput, // ? to update if exist if not ignore this line

as work around i added a condition to my code

if (!isExampleColumn) {  /* I get this from a another function */
  userInput = undefined;

.where("id", "=", userId)
  [payment]: userPayment,
  exampleColumn: userInput, // if userInput is undefined then it will be ignored
.then((_result) => {console.log(_result);})
.catch(err => console.error(err))

but i think there is a better solution than this.


  • You can use conditional spread, it looks like:

      .where("id", "=", userId)
        [payment]: userPayment,
        ... isExampleColumn? {exampleColumn: userInput} : {},
      .then((_result) => {console.log(_result);})
      .catch(err => console.error(err))

    Since Knex is a QueryBuilder, you can also split the "building" parts.

    const query = knex(tableName)
    .where("id", "=", userId)
      [payment]: userPayment,
    if(isExampleColumn) {
      query.update({exampleColumn: userInput})
    const results = query
      .then((_result) => {console.log(_result);})
      .catch(err => console.error(err))