I’ve created a script for a process that I want to automate. I have managed to get the script to download and move the required .csv file into my project file. It’s been moved here in order for the data to be manipulated using pandas.
I now need pandas to access the file but I need to either change the file name according to the file type (.csv) or have pandas access the file type as opposed to the file name.
This is because, every-time this .csv file is downloaded, it has a different name, and in order to use the pandas.read_csv function, the bot would need the file to have the same name every time so it could repeat the process.
I’ve tried to use the glob.glob to access the file according to its file type but can’t seem to change the name of this file. Help me pleaseeeee
Might be also worth mentioning, I’m running this code on a Mac in VSC
#This is the first code I tried to rename the .csv file
import glob
path = (glob.glob("/Users/MANI/Documents/Selenium/*.csv"))
os.rename(‘path’, ‘CC.csv’)
#This is the second code I tried to get pandas to read all .csv files in my chosen directory
import pandas as pd
import glob
path = (‘/Users/MANI/Documents/Selenium/*.csv’)
all_files = glob.glob(path + "/*.csv")
li = []
for filename in all_files:
df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=None, header=0)
frame = pd.concat(li, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
#This is the last code I tried to rename the .csv file. I used part of the code that I used in order to access and move the .csv file from my downloads into my project folder
destinationpath = ‘CC.csv’
sourcefiles = os.listdir(sourcepath)
for file in sourcefiles:
if file.endswith('.csv'):
os.rename(os.path.join(sourcepath,file), os.path.join(destinationpath,file))
I just need one of these to work but would like to know which one would be the best to go with
This is pretty straight-forward. Here is an example, which I tested and it works:
import glob
import os
filename = glob.glob('*.csv')[0]
os.rename('./{}'.format(filename), 'correct_name.csv')
Just keep in mind that the glob
returns an array of all the matching filenames. So:
, you have to narrow your filter to only match the one that you needrename
function needs the file path, not just name. So notice that I've prepended the filename
with './'
to make it into a relative path.