I want to add month in transaction date using mysql interval function by join plan table and transaction table,however this method not working but If I add months in static way to transaction date it is working.
plan_id plan
1 6 month
2 12 month
3 3 month
id user_id subscribed_on plan_id
1 2 2020-04-04 1
2 4 2019-02-22 2
Mysql query (not working):
SELECT t.* FROM transaction t inner join plan p on p.plan_id=t.plan_id
where t.user_id=2 and DATE_ADD(date(t.subscribed_on), INTERVAL p.plan) >= CURDATE()
order by t.id desc
If I add month in static way than it is working fine:
SELECT t.* FROM transaction t inner join plan p on p.plan_id=t.plan_id
where t.user_id=2 and DATE_ADD(date(t.subscribed_on),
INTERVAL 6 month) >= CURDATE()
order by t.id desc
MySQL does not support using interval that way. Unlike in other databaes (such as Postgres for example), the unit argument is a keyword, not a literal string.
I would suspect that your table may store other intervals than just months (say, years, days, and so on). If so, you can use string functions and a case
expression to accommodate the different possible values, like:
select t.*
from transaction t
inner join plan p on p.plan_id = t.plan_id
t.user_id = 2
and date(t.subscribed_on) + case substring_index(p.plan, ' ', -1)
when 'year' then interval substring_index(p.plan, ' ', 1) year
when 'month' then interval substring_index(p.plan, ' ', 1) month
when 'day' then interval substring_index(p.plan, ' ', 1) day
>= current_date
order by t.id desc
The logic here is to split the stored interval string into two parts: the number, and the unit; the case
expression processes the unit and generate the proper literal interval accordingly.