I am new in the AWS and need advice. I have a GraphQL
schema described in AppSync
. The scheme is simple, it has only one Query
called getEmployees
. As a Resolver to this query, I use the AWS Lambda
function in Python. This AWS Lambda function works without any problem. There are no errors in the logs. When I make a request, I always get empty nulls. What could be the problem? What did I miss?
GraphQL Schema in AppSync:
type Employees {
employeeId: String!
employeeFirstName: String
employeeLastName: String
type EmployeesPayload {
pagingState: String
employees: [Employees]
type Query {
getEmployees(organizationId: String!, fetchSize: Int!, pagingState: String): EmployeesPayload
schema {
query: Query
The AWS Lambda function in Python:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
organization_id = event['arguments']['organizationId']
fetch_size = event['arguments']['fetchSize']
paging_state = event['arguments']['pagingState']
# Business logic
response = json.dumps(
"pagingState": "c76f05f9-337d-44dc-b131-c1dfee3ceefb",
"employees": [
"employeeId": "bd811630-0d42-49cd-8d63-7679d9eb96bb",
"employeeFirstName": "James",
"employeeLastName": "Bond"
return response
I make such a query:
query MyQuery {
getEmployees(organizationId: "5d354323-8b47-447e-8bc7-67dae57248b0", fetchSize: 5, pagingState: null) {
employees {
"data": {
"getEmployees": {
"pagingState": null,
"employees": null
P.S. In the AppSync setting, I disabled the request and response mapping template.
Well, finally I found the answer. With the help of trial and error, I realized that AWS Lambda functions do not need to serialize data in JSON. Sterilization is handled by AppSync itself.
def lambda_handler(event, context):
organization_id = event['arguments']['organizationId']
fetch_size = event['arguments']['fetchSize']
paging_state = event['arguments']['pagingState']
# Business logic
response = {
"pagingState": "c76f05f9-337d-44dc-b131-c1dfee3ceefb",
"employees": [
"employeeId": "bd811630-0d42-49cd-8d63-7679d9eb96bb",
"employeeFirstName": "James",
"employeeLastName": "Bond"
return response