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SQL Select everything besides the most recent date

I have a table where I would like to pull all the dates in it besides the most recent one. I tried the following but it's giving me an error " an aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list"

This is what I tried:

MAX(Dates) as date

FROM TableData

Where Dates < Max(dates)


//The table looks as follows:
ID      |   GroupID | Date
1       |     A     | 10-10-2020 -> don't show
2       |     A     | 09-10-2020
3       |     A     | 08-10-2020
4       |     B     | 10-10-2020 -> don't show
5       |     B     | 09-10-2020
6       |     B     | 08-10-2020

//Expected result:
GroupID | Date
  A     | 09-10-2020
  A     | 08-10-2020
  B     | 09-10-2020
  B     | 08-10-2020


  • If you want all the rows in the table expect for the one(s) whose date matches the latest date in the table, one option uses a subquery:

    select t.*
    from tabledata t
    where date < (select max(date) from tabledata)

    You can also express this with window functions (but it will not necessarily perform better):

    select *
    from (select t.*, max(date) over() max_date from tabledata t) t
    where date < max_date

    Edit: if you want that logic on a per-id basis, then we need to correlate the subquery:

    select t.*
    from tabledata t
    where date < (select max( from tabledata t1 where =

    ... or to use a partition by clause in the window max():

    select *
    from (select t.*, max(date) over(partition by id) max_date from tabledata t) t
    where date < max_date