I have a list of items that are displayed it in my template with an *ngFor directive. An item in the array will be replaced, so it will be rerendered. I am trying to select a specific element in the *ngFor after this rerendering.
My first try
The code below works until an element is replaced from the array and the reference I used disappears.
<div *ngFor='let item of array'>
<input #input type='text' [value]='item.name' \>
<button (click)='select_function( input )'></button>
// ...
export class MyComponent {
public array: [] = [{name: 'Peter'}, {name: 'John'}]
public select_function( element ) {
An incomplete solution
So I figured I should use the index somehow.
<div *ngFor='let item of array; let index = index;'>
<input #input type='text' [value]='item.name' \>
<button (click)='select_function(index)'>Modify</button>
// ...
export class MyComponent {
public array: [] = [{name: 'Peter'}, {name: 'John'}]
public select_function( index) {
// the array is mutated ( with ngrx in the actual situation )
this.array.splice( index, 1, {name: 'Mary'} );
// how do I get the nth element that was replaced from my template?
// ???
How can I use the index to select a reference of the element in the view?
use ViewChildren and focus the last Element of the QueryList. Be carefull, It's possible you need "wait" Angular display the new data (for this use setTimeout)
//it's 'input' because your reference variable is #input
@ViewChildren('input',{read:ElementRef}) inputs:QueryList<ElementRef>
public select_function( index) {
this.array.splice( index, 1, {name: 'Mary'} );
//if you want the last element
//if you want the nth