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get content of a text file on internet, flutter

when i read the content of a text file that exist on an url on the internet , it's work just inside the function.

this is my function

String x="";
Future<String> ip(String url)
  async {
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    var request = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse(url));
    request.close().then((response) {
      utf8.decoder.bind(response.cast<List<int>>()).listen((content) {
        print(content);// output
setState(() {
  x = content; // value null

so when i print the content of this file

the result will be

but as you can see in my function i gave the value of the content to x Field

setState(() {
  x = content; // value null

so when i call the Function in initsstate and then print the x , the value will be null !.

  void initState() {
    ip(""); //output
    print(x); // output null

so i need to give other Field or Property the Content of the response , or i want to let my Function to return a String not a Future and this String will be really the content of The Response as a String and it's not a null .

thanks in advance


  • try this,

      void initState() {
      void initAsyncState() async {
        await ip(""); //output
        print(x); // output will not be null

    use a FutureBuilder if you want to use the response in a widget