Simple question... I want to use Ninject Interceptors to take care of my NFRs, however alot of my classes require arguments in the constructors. I read that they are looking at allowing constructors with arguments but currently I get an error:
Can not instantiate proxy of class: myClass
Could not find a parameterless constructor.
Parameter name: constructorArguments
I am using version 2.2.1 I think, noticed there is a tagged 2.3 version on the extensions site, but will any of this solve my problems? if not is there any way around this?
2.3 adds support for Interface proxies. This means it will solve the problem for all types that are resolved by interface. It's also planned to add support for classes without default constructor.
But be aware that 2.3 is work in progress. While there aren't any known new problems it is not tested yet against real applications as 2.2 is and interface changes of new stuff can still change. Also InRequestScope support for XML and Conventions has temporarily been disabled.