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Using RxJS to build data from multiple API calls

I'm trying to get a better understanding of how to use RxJS Operators to solve a specific problem I'm having. I actually have two problems but they're similar enough.

I'm grabbing a bunch of documents from an API endpoint /api/v3/folders/${folderId}/documents and I've setup services with functions to do that, and handle all of the authentication etc.

However, this array of document objects does not have the description attribute. In order to get the description I need to call /api/v3/documents/${documentId}/ on each document from the previous call. My document interface looks like this:

export interface Document {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  description: string;

I'm thinking I need to use mergeMap to wait and get the documents some how to add in the description onto my Document interface and return the whole thing, however I'm having trouble getting the end result.

getDocuments(folderId: number) {
    return this.docService.getDocuments(folderId, this.cookie).pipe(
      map(document => {
        document; // not entirely sure what to do here, does this 'document' carry over to mergeMap?
      mergeMap(document => {
        this.docService.getDocument(documentId, this.cookie)
      }) // possibly another map here to finalize the array? 
    ).subscribe(res => console.log(res));

This may seem like a bit of a duplicate but any post I've found hasn't 100% cleared things up for me.

Any help in understanding how to properly use the data in the second call and wrap it all together is much much appreciated. Thank you.

Thanks to @BizzyBob, here's the final solution with an edit and explanation:

  getDocuments(folderId: number) {
    const headers = new HttpHeaders({
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Context': this.cookie$
    return this.docService.getDocuments(folderId, this.cookie$).pipe(
      mergeMap(documents => from(documents)),
      mergeMap(document => this.http.get<IDocument>(
        this.lcmsService.getBaseUrl() + `/api/v3/documents/${}`,
        { headers: headers }
        map(completeDoc => ({...document, description: completeDoc.description}))
    ).subscribe(docs => {
      this.documents = docs;

For some reason I was unable to pipe() from the second service subscription so I ended up having to make the http.get call there. The error was "Cannot use pipe() on type subscription" which is a bit confusing, since I'm using pipe() on the first subscription. I applied this change to my service function that updates a behavior subject and it's working perfect. Thanks!


  • There are a couple different ways to compose data from multiple api calls.

    We could:

    • use from to emit each item into the stream individually
    • use mergeMap to subscribe to the secondary service call
    • use toArray to emit an array once all the individual calls complete
      getDocuments() {
        return this.docService.getDocuments().pipe(
            mergeMap(basicDocs => from(basicDocs)),
            mergeMap(basicDoc => this.docService.getDocument(
              map(fullDoc => ({...basicDoc, description: fullDoc.description}))

    We could also utilize forkJoin:

      getDocuments() {
        return this.docService.getDocuments().pipe(
          switchMap(basicDocs => forkJoin(
   => this.docService.getDocument(
            map(fullDocs =>, i) => ({...basicDocs[i], description: fullDoc.description})))

    Here's a working StackBlitz

    Also, you may consider defining your stream as a variable documents$ as opposed to a method getDocuments().

      documents$ = this.docService.getDocuments().pipe(
        mergeMap(basicDocs => from(basicDocs))
        mergeMap(basicDoc => this.docService.getDocument(
          map(fullDoc => ({...basicDoc, description: fullDoc.description}))