I have the following SQL query and I want to use the "?" because the postgres 9.5 syntax requires it, the problem is that codeigniter by default uses that symbol to replace values in the SQL query.
SELECT codigo, descr, ( select count(*) from "mi_tabla_2" where coddoc::jsonb ? codigo and coddep = '100' and codserie = '50' and codsubserie = '25' ) as check FROM "mi_tabla_1" WHERE std = TRUE
Any recommendation?
Solution: Replace all '?' characters for '$' except the ? required in Postgres syntax
$this->db->bind_marker = '$';//This line change de replacing character for '$'
$this->db->bind_marker = '$';
$sql = "select count(*) from mi_tabla_2 where coddoc::jsonb ? codigo and coddep = $ and codserie = $ and codsubserie = $";