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How do I use expect in a specific selector?

I am studying automated tests with capybara, cucumber and webdriver

I'm doing tests with expect, and I usually use expect(page).to have_selector('p', 'some cool text') to find an element, but sometimes it happens to have more than one similar selector, and sometimes it ends up being loaded after a while.

To simplify what I'm trying to say I'm going to put together a html scheme to demonstrate what I'm trying to find.


document.getElementById('alpha').innerHTML = 'some cool text';

<p style="background: rgba(255,0,0,0.1)">This text will load 
<p id="alpha">Text to load after 3s</p>
<p style="background: rgba(255,0,0,0.1)">similar text that I don't want to find</p>
<p>some cool text</p>

I needed to know how to select only the first text to validate that the word 'some cool text' was loaded, adding id or classes are welcome


  • The statement you've written doesn't do what you're expecting because you're just passing 'some cool text' as a parameter rather than as the text option. What you want instead is

    expect(page).to have_selector('p#alpha', text: 'some cool text')

    which will wait up to Capybara.default_max_wait_time seconds for a p element with id of 'alpha' containing the text 'some cool text' to appear. By default Capybara.default_max_wait_time is 2 seconds, so if you have a lot of things taking 3+ seconds to occur on your page you may want to increase that. If it's only this one you can extend the maximum wait for a specific call by passwing the wait option

    expect(page).to have_selector('p#alpha', text: 'some cool text', wait: 5)

    Also - if I were you I'd use have_css rather than have_selector when you know you're using CSS

    expect(page).to have_css('p#alpha', text: 'some cool text', wait: 5)