I have a modal popup extender on a parent form (called from a child aspx is in an iFrame). I'm able to show it by calling
Which is a javascript function on the parent page that executes $find('ModalPopupExtender1').show();
It works great. But now I've discovered a new problem.
After the VB code-behind is finished executing on the child page, I'd really like to hide that modal form. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against modal popups. I rather like them in fact. It's just that my users would like it better if they could continue working after the VB code-behind (child page) is finished executing. I tried
But I haven't had any luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Okay, here's the solution I found (in case anybody else needs it).
Don't try to reference the parent's controls directly from VB. Instead, create a java function in the parent aspx (like this):
function HideModal()
Then, create a java function in the child aspx page like this:
function HideModal()
Finally, create the following in the VB code-behind of the child aspx
strScript = "<script language=" & Chr(34) & "javascript" & Chr(34) & " id=" & Chr(34) & "MyClientScript" & Chr(34) & ">HideModal();</script>"
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "HideModal", strScript)
Worked pretty good!