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Convert rows to columns in SQL Server by combining 2 columns to form the new column

I'm trying to accomplish something related to Efficiently convert rows to columns in sql server The difference is I have 2 columns which need to form the new column.

So I've used this example from the previously mentioned SO post, because I have 1-N columns:

This is what I have so far:

I'm just not able to figure out how I can combine the year/quarter in the 2nd (commented) query.

In the end I would like:

Cols: 2022Q1  2022Q2  2022Q3  2022Q4  2022Q1
Vals: 123     456     345     234     789

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • You need to compute the year/quarter string in the subquery before pivoting. I think the logic you want is:

    set @query = 
        n'select ' + @cols + n' from 
            select [count], 
                convert(nvarchar, [year]) + ''q'' + convert(nvarchar, [quarter]) yyyyqq
            from #yourtable
        ) x pivot (
            for yyyyqq in (' + @cols + n')
        ) p';
    exec sp_executesql @query;