I've got the publisher
@Published var feedData = Feed()
And this piece of code, which listens to it
// some View
.onReceive(feed.$feedData) { feedData in
if feedData.personalTasks.count > 0 {
withAnimation(.easeOut(duration: 0.3)) {
showCards = true
The question is when .onRecieve will be executed? Every time feedData is accessed? Or every time any property of feedData is changed? How does this property wrapper know when something changes in feedData?
will be executed every time feedData
is changed, which is when the Published
publisher will emit a value.
If Feed
is a value-type, like a struct
, then anytime any of its properties change, the value-type semantics of Swift ensure that the entire object is being changed.
If Feed
is a reference-type - a class
, then only when setting feedData
to a different instance would emit a value.