I am using spring dataflow 2.6.1. I launch a task, below entries are made in TASK_EXECUTION_PARAMS :
The task fails due to some reason(I put a code due to which batch fails). But when I try to restart this job, it gives below error :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Did not find platform for taskName=[task-abc] , taskId=[123]
at org.springframework.cloud.dataflow.server.service.impl.DefaultTaskJobService.restartJobExecution(DefaultTaskJobService.java:195)
Platformname is already present in params table, I don't understand why it is not able to find it.
Please let me know what am I missing here.
Edit: This error is not coming in 2.7.0, it is able to restart the same task execution(123). But the problem is 2.7.0 is not yet released.
Looks like this was addressed via https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow/pull/4170 and as you mentioned it is available in 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT. I think we should be able to back port this into 2.6.x so that you can have this fix available in the next 2.6.x release (possibly 2.6.4).