I'm trying to produce an interactive table using reactable in Shiny that only creates expandable groups for rows that contain multiple values under the single key variable.
data <- setDT(MASS::Cars93[10:22, c("Manufacturer", "Model", "Type", "Price", "MPG.city")])
reactable(data, groupBy = "Manufacturer")
The table above shows only one entry under Chrylser - I would like this to be automatically expanded or ideally not have the expand arrow at all and show all information on the one line.
Some kludgy code produces a table which shows roughly what I want:
data_unique <- unique(data, by = "Manufacturer")
data_dups <- unique(data[duplicated(data, by = "Manufacturer")]$Manufacturer)
columns = list(Manufacturer = colDef(details = function(index){
if(data_unique[index]$Manufacturer %in% data_dups){
reactable(data[Manufacturer == data_unique[index]$Manufacturer,
c("Model", "Type")])
Chrylser now no longer has an expand button and shows all its information in the one row. The main issue is the expand button produces a separate table that doesn't line up with the main table. I like the behaviour produced by the first example using groupBy(), so ideally I would have a combination of the two. Thanks.
As you said you want to use it in shiny
, I could think of using JavaScript
to automatically trigger the click event:
ui <- fluidPage(useShinyjs(), reactable(data, groupBy = "Manufacturer"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
session$onFlushed(function() {
runjs('$(".rt-td>div>span").filter(function(idx, el) {return $(el).text().includes("(1)")}).trigger("click")')
shinyApp(ui, server)