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How do I clear text displayed using Tkinter label().place() function

How do I clear the code of a = Label() ?

how do I clear the text of this label when using .place() function a = Label() ?

l = IntVar()
t = IntVar()
a = StringVar()

def speed(): 
    global a
    length= l.get()
    time = t.get()
    answer = length/time
    a = Label(frame, text=answer, font="Times 13 bold", bg="Black", fg="WHITE" ).place(x = 100 , y = 160)
def clear():
    '''This function is not clearing label of where I am displaying the answer in a = Label '''
    #a.set('')<---NOT WORKING
    #a.delete(0,'END')<----NOT WORKING
    #a.destroty()<----NOT WORKING
    #a.configure(text="")<---NOT WORKING
ll = Entry(frame, width=30, textvariable=l , border=5).place(x=150 , y=90)
le = Label(frame, text="Enter Length :" , font="Times 16 bold" , bg="WHITE", fg="Black" ).place(x=10 , y = 88 )

tt = Entry(frame, width=30, textvariable=t , border=5).place(x=150 , y=130)
ti = Label(frame, text="Enter Time :" ,font="Times 16 bold" , bg="WHITE", fg="Black" ).place(x=10 , y = 128 )

ans = Label(frame, text="Speed = " , font="Times 16 bold", bg="WHITE", fg="Black" ).place(x = 10 , y = 160)

spd = Button(frame, text="Calculate Speed", width=20, command=speed , bg="Black", fg="WHITE" , border = 4 ).place(x=30 , y = 190 )
cl = Button(frame, text="Clear Text", width=20, command=clear , bg="Black", fg="WHITE" , border = 4 ).place(x=200 , y = 190 )


  • The issue is that since you have used .place with the object definition of the Label/Entry objects, the return value will be None

    x = Label(<configurable_options>).place(...)  # x is None


    x = Label(<configurable_options>)  # defines x as a Label object  # places x at your desired location

    This is True for all layout managers - place, grid and pack

    Moreover, you also need to assign a textvaribale to your Label to be able to clear them (thanks @CoolCloud)

    l = StringVar()
    l1 = Label(..., textvariable=l)

    If you do not wish to add a textvariable, then simply use .config method of Label.
