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Enable usage of modern code analysis tools on old-ish embedded c/c++ code

How to use modern code analysis tools, such as SourceTrail on old-ish embedded c/c++ source code, originally for compilers such as Hi-Tech C, PIC C, IAR Workbench for a number of Microcontrollers not only limited to PIC, PIC16, and PIC18 series from Microchip.

In order to support the limited architectures of the tiny microcontrollers, the vendors of the embedded compilers have had to come up with extensions to the c/c++ language, which were (or are not yet) in the c language specifications.

This results in the microcontroller specific header files containing stuff like this:

// Register: ANSELA
extern volatile unsigned char           ANSELA              @ 0xF38;
#ifndef _LIB_BUILD
asm("ANSELA equ 0F38h");

typedef union {
    struct {
        unsigned ANSB0                  :1;
        unsigned ANSB1                  :1;
        unsigned ANSB2                  :1;
        unsigned ANSB3                  :1;
        unsigned ANSB4                  :1;
        unsigned ANSB5                  :1;
} ANSELBbits_t;
extern volatile ANSELBbits_t ANSELBbits @ 0xF39;

extern volatile unsigned short long     TBLPTR              @ 0xFF6;

extern volatile __bit                   ABDEN1              @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON1)*8) + 0;

and code files include things like this:

void interrupt high_priority InterruptVectorHigh(void) 

void interrupt low_priority InterruptVectorLow(void)

What is the easiest method to support this source with modern tools, while ensuring that the source can still be used with the original compilers?


An answer is provided below.


  • The fix below will enable c code to be understood by any compiler supporting the C18 or C2x specifications. I've not (yet) had the opportunity to test with c++, so they may not fully comply with any of the C++ specifications.

    Thank you to people such as @Antti Haapala, @Clifford, and @anastaciu who answered my related questions here and here and enabled this more complete answer.

    The short long type

    First, the 24-bit short long type was a problem, as no equivalent exists in the c-specifications, and because the two words of the type could not be addressed with a #define. At first, I used Perl to simply modify the string short long into long of all the vendor-specific header files like this:

    perl -pi -e "s/(short long)/long/g" .h

    Note, for the Microchip MPLAB CX8 compiler on Windows the header files are located in the following folder and sub-folders: c:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc8\v1.33\include

    But then I realized that the short type is never used on its own, so I decided to simply remove the short part using a #define short. Do note that this will affect anything using short so I left both methods in this answer.

    The register bit and byte addresses defined with @

    @-signs were a specific problem, as they could not be redefined using #define, so perl to the rescue again, this time using two passes to address the two different syntaxes:

    perl -pi -e "s/@\s*([0-9a-fA-FxX]+)/AT($1)/g" .h
    perl -pi -e "s/[@] ?+([^;]*)/AT($1)/g" .h

    These essentially wrap anything following a @ in AT(), allowing a normal define to operate on it.

    The extra keywords

    The final touch is to insert a macro header into each of the header files provided by the compiler vendor. I ended up with the following macro header:

    // Hack to allow SourceTrail to be used on this source
    #if defined __XC8
      #define AT(address) @ address
      #define AT(address)
      #define __bit _Bool
      #define asm(assembly)
      #define interrupt
      #define short
      #define high_priority
      #define low_priority

    As can be seen, anything non-standard is simply removed, except when the header files are used by the MPLAB XC8 compiler. The only exception is the __bit type, which is redefined as a _Bool type - it seems to work.

    The full fix as a batch script to run on windows

    As I'm running all of this on windows, Perl one-liners don't really work as on Linux, so in order to process each and every header file, I had to wrap the Perl command in a batch for-loop, which is pretty slow. To make up for it, I combined everything in a single batch called fix.cmd, which is placed in the include folder (see path above):

    :: Fix to allow SourceTrail to analyze MPLAB CX8 source code.
    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    :: Run in the folder where the script exists.
    pushd "%~dp0"
    echo:Fixing MPLAB global include files to be used by SourceTrail and other analysis tools.
    :: Loop each directory recrusively
    set DirCounter=0
    set FileCounter=0
    for /r %%d in (.) do (
        set /A DirCounter=DirCounter+1
        pushd %%d
        echo | set /p=Processing:
        for %%f in (*.h) do (
            set /A FileCounter=FileCounter+1
            set /A ModValue=FileCounter%%25
            if !ModValue!==0 ( echo | set /p=* )
            call :ProcessFile %%f
        echo *
    echo:Processed %FileCounter% files in %DirCounter% folders.
    echo Done   
    exit /b 0
    :: filename is in %1
    :: Remove short from short long. (Done with a define instead)
    ::  perl -pi -e "s/(short long)/long/g" %1
    :: Replace the simple @ lines with AT().
        perl -pi -e "s/@\s*([0-9a-fA-FxX]+)/AT($1)/g" %1
    :: Exchange @ and wrap in parenthesis for any substring starting with @ and ending with ; in each header file.
        perl -pi -e "s/[@] ?+([^;]*)/AT($1)/g" %1
    :: Insert defines before first line in each header files:
        perl -pi -e "print \"// Hack to allow SourceTrail to be used on this source\n#if defined __XC8\n  #define AT(address) @ address\n#else\n  #define AT(address)\n  #define __bit _Bool\n  #define asm(assembly)\n  #define interrupt\n  #define short\n#define high_priority\n  #define low_priority\n#endif\n\n\" if $. == 1" %1
    ::Exit subroutine   
    exit /b

    To perform the modification, open an elevated prompt, cd to the include files, and execute the fix.cmd


    Perl must be installed on the Windows computer. I use StrawberryPerl

    Edit: Mostly fixed typos. Clarified that there are two options for how to deal with the short long