I have two epochs. I want to figure out all the dates that are valid within the two epochs.
For example, if I have the epochs 946684800 (Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT) and 947203200 (Fri, 07 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT), I want to be able to get: 01/01/2000, 02/01/2000, 03/01/2000, 04/01/2000, etc.
PHP time values are just Unix timestamps - seconds since Jan 1/1970. Going off PHP 5's datetime object:
$start = strtotime('01 Jan 2000');
$end = strtotime('07 Jan 2000');
for ($d = $start; $d <= $end; $d += 86400) { // increment by 86,400 seconds, aka 1 day
echo date('d/m/Y', $d);
There's better ways of going about it, using the DateTime / DateInterval objects, but this is just to show the basics.