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Python/Pygame make text in Pygame wrap when in leaves the window

I have a text function that render text.The function is the following

def textFunc(font,msg,color,x,y,center):
    text_render = font.render(msg,True,color)
    text_rect = text_render.get_rect()
    #If center is true, then the X,Y will be used as the center
    if center == True: = (x,y)
        text_rect = (x,y)

However is my msg string is too long it will render outside the window.

Is there a way for my text to register that is too long for my window and so continues below the start of the text? Similarly to how computers do it automaticall

Sort of like so: Text


  • There is no automatic solution. You have to implement the text wrap by yourself and draw the text line by line respectively word by word.
    Fortunately PyGame wiki provides a function that for this task. See PyGame wiki Simple Text Wrapping for pygame.

    I've extended the function and added an additional argument, which provides left or right aligned text, centered text or even block mode:

    textAlignLeft = 0
    textAlignRight = 1
    textAlignCenter = 2
    textAlignBlock = 3
    def drawText(surface, text, color, rect, font, align=textAlignLeft, aa=False, bkg=None):
        lineSpacing = -2
        spaceWidth, fontHeight = font.size(" ")[0], font.size("Tg")[1]
        listOfWords = text.split(" ")
        if bkg:
            imageList = [font.render(word, 1, color, bkg) for word in listOfWords]
            for image in imageList: image.set_colorkey(bkg)
            imageList = [font.render(word, aa, color) for word in listOfWords]
        maxLen = rect[2]
        lineLenList = [0]
        lineList = [[]]
        for image in imageList:
            width = image.get_width()
            lineLen = lineLenList[-1] + len(lineList[-1]) * spaceWidth + width
            if len(lineList[-1]) == 0 or lineLen <= maxLen:
                lineLenList[-1] += width
        lineBottom = rect[1]
        lastLine = 0
        for lineLen, lineImages in zip(lineLenList, lineList):
            lineLeft = rect[0]
            if align == textAlignRight:
                lineLeft += + rect[2] - lineLen - spaceWidth * (len(lineImages)-1)
            elif align == textAlignCenter:
                lineLeft += (rect[2] - lineLen - spaceWidth * (len(lineImages)-1)) // 2
            elif align == textAlignBlock and len(lineImages) > 1:
                spaceWidth = (rect[2] - lineLen) // (len(lineImages)-1)
            if lineBottom + fontHeight > rect[1] + rect[3]:
            lastLine += 1
            for i, image in enumerate(lineImages):
                x, y = lineLeft + i*spaceWidth, lineBottom
                surface.blit(image, (round(x), y))
                lineLeft += image.get_width() 
            lineBottom += fontHeight + lineSpacing
        if lastLine < len(lineList):
            drawWords = sum([len(lineList[i]) for i in range(lastLine)])
            remainingText = ""
            for text in listOfWords[drawWords:]: remainingText += text + " "
            return remainingText
        return ""

    Minimal example:

    import pygame
    font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 40)
    msg = "Simple function that will draw text and wrap it to fit the rect passed.  If there is any text that will not fit into the box, the remaining text will be returned."
    textRect = pygame.Rect(100, 100, 300, 300)
    window = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 500))
    run = True
    while run:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                run = False
        window.fill((255, 255, 255))
        pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 0, 0), textRect, 1)
        drawTextRect = textRect.inflate(-5, -5)
        drawText(window, msg, (0, 0, 0), drawTextRect, font, textAlignBlock, True)