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Orbeon forms - repeated section field validation

I have form like this:

I want to add validation like this:

  • only one field 'yes/no' in this section can have selected value 'yes' at the same time
  • validation message should appear only under the fields with selected value 'yes'

Should I create some action, that iterate over all 'yes/no' fields, check their value and raise an error if detect above situation?

My main problem is how to iterate over all 'yes/no' fields and detect this situation.


  • Assuming you name your field yes-no, then the following expression will do it:

    string() = 'false' or
    count(//yes-no[string() = 'true']) <= 1

    With this expression you're saying that an answer is valid if either:

    • it is "No", as we don't have any limit on those, or
    • there only one "Yes", or less.

    And for more on that string() = 'true' business, see Testing on a Yes No Answer field.

    At most one Yes