We are developing a C# Windows Forms App and use UI Automation to record user activity. Our app declares its DPI-awareness as Per-monitor, so the system doesn't lie to it with coordinate virtualization.
On Windows 10 we ran into an issue with Notepad: after a screen scaling performed, an incorrect element is returned when calling UIA method ElementFromPoint()
with correct physical coordinates passed. Also, coordinates of its BoundingRectangle returned by a CurrentBoundingRectangle()
call are also incorrect: divided by the current screen scale value, i.e. 1.5 for 150%.
Has anyone encountered this problem before and how did you solve it?
Not all UI elements of the Notepad window are affected: only System button and Main menu items. Other elements, like main text area, scroller, window title, dialog buttons, submenu items, are handled properly.
Consider the following test code:
private CUIAutomation automation = new CUIAutomation();
public async Task GetElement(int x, int y)
Debug.WriteLine($"MouseDown received: X={x} Y={y}");
await Task.Run(() =>
// Retrieving an UIA element lying on physical coordinates
tagPOINT point = new tagPOINT { x = x, y = y };
IUIAutomationElement clickedElement = automation.ElementFromPoint(point);
var elementName = clickedElement.GetCurrentPropertyValue(30005);
var elementRect = clickedElement.CurrentBoundingRectangle;
// Actually retrieved UIA element
Debug.WriteLine($"UIA element: Name={elementName} " +
$"Rect=[left={elementRect.left} top={elementRect.top} right={elementRect.right} bot={elementRect.bottom}]");
catch (Exception ex)
On Win 10 this code returns an incorrect element and BoundingRectangle for the "File" main menu item:
MouseDown received: X=735 Y=391
UIA element: Name=Application
Rect=[left=475 top=249 right=822 bot=268]
Just incorrect BoundingRectangle for the System button:
MouseDown received: X=701 Y=282
UIA element: Name=System
Rect=[left=453 top=183 right=475 bot=205]
And correct element and BoundingRectangle for other UI controls (i.e. File -> Save submenu item):
MouseDown received: X=1386 Y=666
UIA element: Name=Save
Rect=[left=1320 top=652 right=1452 bot=691]
These results are not reproducing on older versions of Notepad that declares itself as System-DPI-aware.
For instance, on Windows 7 always correct elements and bounding rects are retrieved.
Also, I've tested other apps on Win 10 that implement Per-monitor DPI-awareness mode: Acrobat Reader DC, Edge, Skype, Slack, Explorer. Main menus of these apps are handled properly too: correct elements and bounding rects are retrieved.
So possibly there is a problem in a Per-monitor mode implementation of Notepad for Windows 10.
After tons of testing I've found out that the cause was in the "Prefer 32-bit" flag: when it's enabled for the executable project, incorrect UIA elements and bounding rectangles were retrieved from Notepad.
"Prefer 32-bit" enabled:
(pay attention to the menu element bounding box location and the clicked point
"Prefer 32-bit" disabled: