Sorry for my English)
I have an account on (login:, password: 2455s1). I log in, then follow the link /test/test-po-filosofii-541029/flashcard.
After I followed the link, it loads the cards through a request /api/test/documents/541029/flashcard.
I need to send it successfully:
I test request by Postman api/test/documents/541029/flashcard. Request sends with captured Cookies, but it says I need to log in ("Необходимо авторизоваться").
Why query work on website but doesn`t in Postman?
you need add the most important thing which is to add the cookie PHPSESSID you can find it on your browser when inspecting the request on network tab like this
click on "cookies" on postman
to have it like this
or click on "code" on postman
I noticed also you need referer header otherwise it won't work