I've a form in my module (mymodule)...
function mymodule_form()
$form['mytext'] = array(
'#title' => 'Password',
'#type' => 'password',
'#size' => 10,
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'Cool!',
$form['cool_submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'Cool Submit!',
return $form;
I've used the hook_entity_view hook to display this form under all drupal entities that are displayed.
function mymodule_entity_view($entity, $type, $view_mode, $langcode) {
$entity->content['myadditionalfield'] = mymodule_form();
When showing this form, drupal adds a DIV tag to the mytext (password field) by itself. I want to override this and provide my own DIV tags and theme to this form. How do I do it?
Thanks :-)
I worked further on this question to solve it. And the problem got solved. I changed the above code...
function mymodule_entity_view($entity, $type, $view_mode, $langcode) {
$element = array(
'start' => array(
'#type' => 'button',
'#name' => 'start',
'#button_type' => 'submit',
'my_text' => array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#size' => 30,
'#maxlength' => 50,
'my_submit' => array(
'#type' => 'button',
'#name' => 'Submit Discussion',
'#button_type' => 'submit',
$entity->content['disc_bar'] = $element;
And the problem kept creeping up whenever a textfield or a password field was rendered. I checked the type array in systems elements info function (a elements_info hook) and found that textfield and password fields come with a default value for the #theme-wrapper. I tried to override it by this way...
'my_text' => array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#size' => 30,
'#maxlength' => 50,
'#theme-wrapper' => '',
and It worked. Its not generating any additional division tags... :-)