Problem: Application insights by default does not track SQL parameters in dependencies telemetry. I want to either enable parameter tracking or manually add parameters.
Little background: I had .Net Core 2 app with application insights. I was reading request body and saving it as custom property with TelemetryInitializer
. I migrated to .Net Core 3 where I was not able to use TelemetryInitializer
anymore as .Net Core 3 disabled synchronous IO. Similar issue described here. So I have implemented application insights middleware as per this example. I am using EF Core
for all my database access.
Question: I found this issue which says that it is possible to "access SqlCommand operation detail in TelemetryInitializer". But how can I achieve this using application insights middleware?
You do not have to write core middleware for this. Instead you should be using a TelemetryInitializer. Given an intializer like this:
public class CustomInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
if (!(telemetry is DependencyTelemetry supportedTelemetry))
if (supportedTelemetry.Type == "SQL" && supportedTelemetry.TryGetOperationDetail("SqlCommand", out var command))
foreach (DbParameter parameter in ((SqlCommand)command).Parameters)
supportedTelemetry.Properties.Add(parameter.ParameterName, parameter.Value.ToString());
I am not sure why you say
I migrated to .Net Core 3 where I was not able to use TelemetryInitializer anymore as .Net Core 3 disabled synchronous IO
I use TelemetryInitializers all the time.
I see the parameters as custom properties in App Insights:
For reference: I used this code in my controller, based on this tutorial:
using (var bc = new BloggingContext())
await bc.Blogs.AddAsync(new Blog
Url = "",
Rating = 0
await bc.SaveChangesAsync();