Search code examples

Dax Measure with multiple filters and all

I have a table that has the following structure:

  • Order
  • State
  • Order Date
  • Order Finished
  • Department
  • Area
  • Value

This table is linked to the calendar table through the column [Order Finished]. Now I would like to get every order - regardless the Order Finished Date with this filters:

  1. State = > 16 && <> 20 <= 99
  2. Department = Drilling
  3. Area = FT1

Bow how? This approach is not working:

CALCULATE ( SUM ( tbl[Value]),
ALL ( Calendar),
tbl[Department] = "Drilling",
tbl[Area] = "FT1",
tbl[Status] > 16 && <> 20 && <=99 )

Here is a screenshot of the tabel: enter image description here


  • You can try this below code-

    total_value = 
        SUM (tbl[Value]),
        ALL (Calendar),
        tbl[Department] = "Drilling",
        tbl[Area] = "FT1",
        tbl[Status] > 16,
        tbl[Status] <> 20,
        tbl[Status] <=99

    If you need department wise different results, you should not have that department filter in the code as shown below-

    total_value = 
        SUM (tbl[Value]),
        ALL (Calendar),
            && tbl[Area] = "FT1",
            && tbl[Status] > 16,
            && tbl[Status] <> 20,
            && tbl[Status] <=99