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Xamarin.iOS app asking Local Network permission in iOS 14.0

I have Xamarin.iOS app in production which is asking Local Network permission on launch on iOS 14 devices. App is not using any Bonjour service nor using anything specific to local network. App has various nuget packages including Xamarin.Essentials, MvvmCross, Firebase services, Realm DB, etc.

I have gone through various open threads on including WWDC2020 video but still did not get what is triggering this Permission dialog.


  • After lots of trials and errors we are finally able to identify the local network permission trigger point.

    • This prompt is triggering due to SSHConnection check method we using to identify jailbroken iPhone devices.
    • This method checks whether an SSH Clients try to make connection to on port 22 If the connection succeeds, the device is jail broken.
    • This code causing permission prompt CrossConnectivity.Current.IsRemoteReachable("", 22, 5000);