I'm working with a map, drawing a route between two points, using Ionic Cordova. Everything works fine except I can't hide itinerary (directions given by gps) and in small smartphones itinerary doesn't let user interacts with map. I googled examples but I see no diference with my code.
this.localizacion = resp.coords;
this.posicion = [this.localizacion.latitude, this.localizacion.longitude];
this.map = leaflet.map('map', {
center: this.posicion,
zoom: 16
leaflet.tileLayer("http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
attribution: '© Código 200'
let control = leaflet.Routing.control({
waypoints: [
leaflet.latLng(this.localizacion.latitude, this.localizacion.longitude),
leaflet.latLng(result[0].latitude, result[0].longitude)
routeWhileDragging: true,
show: false
let markerGroup = leaflet.featureGroup();
let marker: any = leaflet.marker(this.center);
let marker2: any = leaflet.marker(this.posicion);
Could anyone told me if I did something wrong?? or another way to hide itinerary
Well, I could fix it mixing online css feaflet use and a customized css into my project where I added the show:fakse and all what i needed.