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Project Options in Qeditor of MASM32 isn't working

I Have Masm32 and I am using Qeditor. None of the options in Porject menu work. As an example if I click "Build All" nothing happens (no window, no files are build in the file directory, nothing happens).

I have c:\masm32\bin on my path so thats not the problem.


  • I too use MASM32 and, for a while, used Qeditor. I had the same problem as you, but overcame it by writing my own batch file for assembling projects. Eventually I switched to Notepad++ for writing code and eliminated Qeditor completely. Here's the batch file I wrote:

    @if not exist %1.rc goto NoResource
      rc /foRes.res %1.rc
      cvtres /machine:ix86 /out:Res.obj Res.res
      del Res.res
      @if errorlevel 1 pause
      ml /c /coff /Fo%1.obj %1
      @if errorlevel 1 pause
      link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS %1.obj res.obj
      @if errorlevel 1 pause
      del %1.obj
      del res.obj
    @goto Exit
      ml /c /coff /Fo%1.obj %1
      @if errorlevel 1 pause
      link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS %1.obj
      @if errorlevel 1 pause
      del %1.obj

    For my projects I'll have an assembly file Project.asm for example. If I need a resource file I will name it Project.asm.rc. When I want to assemble my project I will right click and "Open With" my batch file. It takes care of the rest.

    Also, make sure your source files are located on the C: drive somewhere. This will make things much easier to work with.