Is it possible to initialize HMS without a agconnect-services.json
and provide the keys at runtime?
Using a similar service (Fcm) we can initialize an app:
val builder = FirebaseOptions.Builder()
Therefore, you can use it without need of a json
file to be parsed.
Is there a similar solution for this using HMS
and AppGallery
BTW, I'm trying to implement PushKit
You can add the following code in your manifest file:
<!-- Replace value xxx with the actual appid.-->
Currently, HMS does not provide a unified solution for code-based initialization. However, some kits support code-based initialization.
MapsInitializer.setApiKey("Your API Key");
SearchService searchService = SearchServiceFactory.create(this, "API key");
MLApplication.getInstance().setApiKey("your ApiKey");
If you use only these kits, you do not need to integrate the JSON file. Instead, you can complete code-based initialization through the API key.
We will analyze and discuss your requirement for a unified code-based initialization solution and reply to you as soon as possible.