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YamlDotNet - Custom Serialization

I have a .NET class which represents a RPC method call, like this:

class MethodCall
    public string MethodName { get; set; }
    public Collection<object> Arguments { get; set; }

I want to serialize a Collection<MethodCall> to YAML. I'm using YamlDotNet to achieve this.

By default, YamlDotNet will serialize these objects like this:

methodName: someName
- arg1
- arg2
- ...

I would like to simplify the resulting YAML to:

- arg1
- arg2

Is there any easy way to achieve this? Please note that the arguments can be complex objects (i.e. not simple scalars).


  • You can achieve this by registering an implementation of IYamlTypeConverter that performs the conversion that you need.

    Here's a possible implementation:

    public sealed class MethodCallConverter : IYamlTypeConverter
        // Unfortunately the API does not provide those in the ReadYaml and WriteYaml
        // methods, so we are forced to set them after creation.
        public IValueSerializer ValueSerializer { get; set; }
        public IValueDeserializer ValueDeserializer { get; set; }
        public bool Accepts(Type type) => type == typeof(MethodCall);
        public object ReadYaml(IParser parser, Type type)
            var call = new MethodCall
                MethodName = (string)ValueDeserializer.DeserializeValue(parser, typeof(string), new SerializerState(), ValueDeserializer),
                Arguments = (Collection<object>)ValueDeserializer.DeserializeValue(parser, typeof(Collection<object>), new SerializerState(), ValueDeserializer),
            return call;
        public void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object value, Type type)
            emitter.Emit(new MappingStart());
            var call = (MethodCall)value;
            ValueSerializer.SerializeValue(emitter, call.MethodName, typeof(string));
            ValueSerializer.SerializeValue(emitter, call.Arguments, typeof(Collection<object>));
            emitter.Emit(new MappingEnd());

    The converter needs to be registered into the SerializerBuilder and DeserializerBuilder through the WithTypeConverter method. Note that YamlDotNet does not provide us with a way to call the (de)serializer recursively, so we have to set some public properties as a workaround. This is not as clean as it could be, but still works:

    string SerializeMethodCall(MethodCall call)
        var methodCallConverter = new MethodCallConverter();
        var serializerBuilder = new SerializerBuilder()
        methodCallConverter.ValueSerializer = serializerBuilder.BuildValueSerializer();
        var serializer = serializerBuilder.Build();
        var yaml = serializer.Serialize(call);
        return yaml;
    MethodCall DeserializeMethodCall(string yaml)
        var methodCallConverter = new MethodCallConverter();
        var deserializerBuilder = new DeserializerBuilder()
        methodCallConverter.ValueDeserializer = deserializerBuilder.BuildValueDeserializer();
        var deserializer = deserializerBuilder.Build();
        var call = deserializer.Deserialize<MethodCall>(yaml);
        return call;