I have React app and a Redux store. I am working on an authentication now. My backend is on Django RF and for JWT auth I use a simplejwt lib. The thing is, that this lib has an "out of the box" view (/token) that returns a JWT token on success.
The problem is that I need to have a user object in my app upon successful authentication. So when the user logs in it returns a token only. But I need to redirect the user to their page if logged in.
I sure can override this /token view and return whatever object I want, but why is this implemented this way right now?
Looks like there is no other way that to override validate() method in serializers.py like this:
class UserTokenObtainPairSerializer(TokenObtainPairSerializer):
def validate(self, attrs):
data = {
'token': super().validate(attrs),
'id': self.user.id,
'email': self.user.email,
'name': self.user.name,
return data