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Get latest and earliest value of different column from same table sql

I have a table with a selection of dates. I want to be able to apply a WHERE statement to return a group of them and then return which date is the earliest from one column and which one is the latest from another column. Here is an example table:

ID  StartDate   EndDate     Person   Subject
1   01/03/2010  03/03/2010   Paul    Math
2   12/05/2010  22/05/2010   Steve   Science
3   04/03/2010  08/03/2010   Paul    English

So I want to return all the records where Person = 'Paul'. But return something like (earliest ) StartDate = 01/03/2010 (from record ID 1) and (latest) EndDate = 08/03/2010 (from record ID 3) and Subject = English from latest EndDate (from record 3 ). I need two rows for Paul with the above data and Id.Need all row with person = 'Paul'

Expected Result :

ID  StartDate   EndDate Person  Subject
1   2010-03-01  2010-03-08  Paul    English
3   2010-03-01  2010-03-08  Paul    English

Do you see any problem regarding performance (Millions of records) in below sql query :

 Select PT3.ID,PT4.EarliestStartDate AS StartDate,PT4.EndDate,PT4.Person,PT4.Subject from Data AS PT3 
Join( SELECT Top 1 with ties * FROM Data AS PT  
Join( SELECT PT1.Person as Person1, MIN(PT1.StartDate ) as EarliestStartDate FROM Data AS PT1 where Person ='Paul' group by PT1.Person)  AS PT2 ON  PT.Person =PT2.Person1WHERE Person  ='Paul'
  Order By Row_Number() over (Partition By PT.Person Order By PT.EndDate desc)) AS PT4 ON PT3.Person = PT4.Person 


  • This could work:

    1. Perform the group by first to get the required dates for each person.
    2. Move the grouping to a common table expression (cte).
    3. Join back with the full data set to fetch all rows.
    4. For each result record, select the corresponding subject with a cross apply.
    5. Optional: filter on the required person (where clause).

    Sample data

    create table Data
      ID int,
      StartDate date,
      EndDate date,
      Person nvarchar(10),
      Subject nvarchar(10)
    insert into Data (ID, StartDate, EndDate, Person, Subject) values
    (1, '2010-03-01', '2010-03-03', 'Paul',  'Math'),
    (2, '2010-05-12', '2010-05-22', 'Steve', 'Science'),
    (3, '2010-03-04', '2010-03-08', 'Paul',  'English');


    with cte as
      select min(d.StartDate) as StartDate,
             max(d.EndDate) as EndDate,
      from Data d
      group by d.Person
    select d.Id,
    from cte c
    join data d
      on d.Person = c.Person
    cross apply ( select top 1 d2.Subject
                  from Data d2
                  where d2.Person = c.Person
                    and d2.EndDate = c.EndDate ) x
    where d.Person = 'Paul'
    order by d.Person;

    Fiddle to see it in action.