I have the following:
{foreach key=num item=invoice from=$invoices}
<td class="text-center"><a href="viewinvoice.php?id={$invoice.id}">#{$invoice.invoicenum}</a></td>
<td data-order="{$invoice.totalnum}">{$invoice.total}</td>
<td class="text-center">{include file="$template/includes/status-pages/status-faturas.tpl"}</td>
<td class="text-center">
{if $invoice.rawstatus eq 'paid'}
{foreach from=$nfseData item=items}
{if $items.title|substr:16:4 eq $invoice.id && in_array($items.status, ['Answered', 'Closed'])}
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/dl.php?type=a&id={$items.id}&i=0" class="btn-sm rounded p-2 btn-success has-ripple"><i class="feather mr-1 icon-download"></i> Download NFS-e</a>
{elseif !in_array($items.status, ['Answered', 'Closed'])}
<a href="#!" class="btn-sm rounded p-2 btn-secondary has-ripple disabled"><i class="feather icon-refresh-cw mr-1"></i> Em processamento</a>
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=27&subject=NFS-e%20|%20Fatura%20#xxx%20|%20Valor%20R$xxxx" class="btn-sm rounded p-2 btn-primary has-ripple"><i class="feather icon-layout mr-1"></i> Solicitar NFS-e</a>
<td class="text-center"><a href="viewinvoice.php?id={$invoice.id}" class="btn-sm rounded p-2 btn-info has-ripple"><i class="feather mr-1 icon-eye"></i> Ver fatura</a></td>
Return of html:
<span>No - 1030</span>
<span>Yes - 1020</span>
<span>No - 1030</span>
<span>No - 1020</span>
I need it to return like this:
<span>Yes - 1020</span>
<span>No - 1030</span>
Array for: $invoices
Array (4)
0 => Array (13)
id => 1020
rawstatus => "paid"
1 => Array (13)
id => 1030
rawstatus => "unpaid"
Array for: $nfseData
Array (2)
0 => Array (27)
id => 6446
title => "NFS-e | Fatura #1020 | Valor R$59,90"
1 => Array (27)
id => 6445
title => "NFS-e | Fatura #1030 | Valor R$39,90"
The problem is that the return of from=$nfseData
has more than one record, in which case it is duplicating the lines without following this rule: {if $items.title|substr:16:4 eq $invoice.id}
I need it to return only those values that are positive for this rule, that is, that have the same number.
Is there a possibility to put this rule directly in the foreach
so that it returns only the lines that obey the rule? Or is there some other way?
You are looping over all items for each invoice. You are showing them whether they belong to that invoice
or not. You can nest your status
filter inside if
which checks for invoice id
and doesn't show them if not matches.
{foreach key=num item=invoice from=$invoices}
<td class="text-center"><a href="viewinvoice.php?id={$invoice.id}">#{$invoice.invoicenum}</a></td>
<td data-order="{$invoice.totalnum}">{$invoice.total}</td>
<td class="text-center">{include file="$template/includes/status-pages/status-faturas.tpl"}</td>
<td class="text-center">
{if $invoice.rawstatus eq 'paid'}
{foreach from=$nfseData item=items}
{if $items.title|substr:16:4 eq $invoice.id}
{if in_array($items.status, ['Answered', 'Closed'])}
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/dl.php?type=a&id={$items.id}&i=0" class="btn-sm rounded p-2 btn-success has-ripple"><i class="feather mr-1 icon-download"></i> Download NFS-e</a>
{elseif $items.status eq 'Open'}
<a href="#!" class="btn-sm rounded p-2 btn-secondary has-ripple disabled"><i class="feather icon-refresh-cw mr-1"></i> Em processamento</a>
<a href="{$WEB_ROOT}/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=27&subject=NFS-e%20|%20Fatura%20#xxx%20|%20Valor%20R$xxxx" class="btn-sm rounded p-2 btn-primary has-ripple"><i class="feather icon-layout mr-1"></i> Solicitar NFS-e</a>
<td class="text-center"><a href="viewinvoice.php?id={$invoice.id}" class="btn-sm rounded p-2 btn-info has-ripple"><i class="feather mr-1 icon-eye"></i> Ver fatura</a></td>